The Federally Supported Health Centers Assistance Act (“Act”) allows the United States to “deem” actors, agencies and ...
In 1972, the Florida legislature enacted section 725.06, Florida Statutes which places limitations on indemnification in ...
On March 6, 2008, the Florida Supreme Court sided with patients and consumers in allowing them to examine records on past adverse medical ...
Just When You Think You’re Out, They Pull You Back In
A key concern in the resolution of any claim, whether prior or subsequent to the ...
During recent months, the number of foreclosure actions in the United States has increased dramatically. According to the May 2008 ...
Generally, an exculpatory clause is valid and enforceable when it clearly and unequivocally expresses a party’s intention to be ...
When it Rises to the Level of Egregiousness Necessary to Warrant Dismissal
Trial courts have inherent authority to dismiss lawsuits when ...
Just When You Think You’re Out, They Pull You Back In
A key concern in the resolution of any claim, whether prior or subsequent to the ...
During recent months, the number of foreclosure actions in the United States has increased dramatically. According to the May 2008 ...
Florida Statute § 768.77 requires verdicts in any personal injury or wrongful death action to be itemized and any amounts awarded for ...
Florida courts have long recognized an insurer’s obligation to act in good faith when defending claims against the insured. In Boston
Over the past several months, Florida’s Personal Injury Protection (PIP) law has undergone some significant changes. First ...
In recent years, premiums for insurance agency Errors and Omissions policies have increased for more than three-quarters of insurance ...
Florida courts have long recognized an insurer’s obligation to act in good faith when defending claims against the insured. In Boston
- Objective Limitations, or, How the Vigorous Application of “Strong Form” Idea/Expression Dichotomy Analysis in Copyright Preliminary Injunction Hearings Might Just Save the First Amendment, 9 UCLA Ent. L. Rev. 361 (2002)2002-05-01