Universities, Colleges, School Boards and School Districts face unique, politically charged challenges in an environment that demands ever increasing standards of performance and adherence to laws and regulations. CSK has experience dealing with the various legal aspects in the University and College settings and also local School Board and School District settings, including: faculty and tenure issues; employment contracts; Title IX; sexual assault and harassment; False Claims Act (FCA); Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA); No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB); Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Special Education Plans; Expulsion, Suspension and Discipline; Section 504 Prohibiting Discrimination Against Students with Disabilities; Due Process and Equal Protection; Free Speech; Sovereign Immunity; and Florida’s educational statutes and regulations in general. Our attorneys have lectured on various topics both at publicly sponsored seminars and through in service training programs provided at specific schools. We place great focus on resolving issues at an early stage, but when litigation becomes necessary we are fully prepared to provide the benefit of our extensive experience through effective and persuasive representation in all forums including administrative hearings, federal and state trial courts, and appeals at all levels. In addition, lawyers at CSK have served as Trustees of both private and public Universities and Colleges and in other alumni volunteer administrative positions at such institutions.